Empower your consultancy with 24/7 AI counseling, seamless program management, and powerful analytics. Partner with EduBot to scale your operations and serve more students globally.
Faster Response Time
Cost Reduction
More Students Handled
Join hundreds of education consultancies already revolutionizing their operations with Bots4Ed
Handle 3x more student inquiries without increasing staff
Provide instant responses to students across all time zones
Reduce operational costs by up to 40% through automation
Maintain consistent counseling quality with AI assistance
Support students in multiple languages and regions
Make informed decisions with comprehensive analytics
Everything you need to digitize and scale your education consultancy
Human-like counselor with video, voice, and text capabilities
Flexible database handling any program structure with real-time updates
Smart handover to human counselors when needed with context preservation
Comprehensive metrics tracking and performance analysis
White-label solution with flexible integration options
Multi-counselor support with role-based access control
Get started with Bots4Ed in three simple steps
Express interest and discuss your consultancy's unique needs
Seamless setup and customization of your platform
Go live with full support and optimization
Take the first step towards revolutionizing your education consultancy